Ksenia Edge
Ksenia Edge

Ksenia Edge


UK-based Senior Recruiter at Procys. Enthusiastic about fitness, art, languages, and global IT recruitment trends. Over 8 years of experience.

About me

My name is Ksenia Edge and I’m a Senior Recruiter at Procys. I live in the UK in a beautiful market town in the north-west. My favorite thing is to stay active, so I love running, swimming, hiking, and just walking. I believe that a strong body makes the mind strong. I also like art, languages, and reading. Working from home is a great opportunity to make time for your hobbies and other things that you love.

Ksenia's experience

With over 8 years of experience in international IT recruitment, I have developed a deep understanding of the global IT market, the latest trends and technologies, and the best practices for remote hiring and onboarding.

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Ksenia Edge

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