How to connect Twinfield to Procys

Set up guide of how to connect the Twinfield integration to Procys.

Twinfield is an accounting program that allows you to control all the accounts of your company, from expenses to profits. Procys is officially certified by Twinfield and the data synchronization between Procys and Twinfield is done directly without the need for integration or code development. The maintenance of this connection is also done through Procys as part of the certification agreement made by Wolters Kluwer.

Here are the steps that help you connect Procys to Twinfield account. If you need any help please write to [email protected]

1.   Log into Twinfield account

2.   You need to find “Company code” of the company you want to work with in Procys. Here on screenshots are a couple of places where you can find it.

3.   Move back to the Integration page in Procys and write in Twinfield credentials “Company code”.

4.   Then click on “Generate Authentication URL” - here is authentication URL is generated.

5.   Copy and go to generated URL.

6.   Log in again using Twinfield credentials.

7,   We need permission from you: all mark fields should be chosen.

8.   Click on “Yes, allow”

9.   Then clicks on “Check connection” on Procys integration page and it should be activated

That’s it! If something goes wrong, write to our support team - [email protected] - we’ll help you.

To work with Twinfield integration in Procys you need to provide us access to your Twinfield account but there is no need to provide the highest access (level 1 user). Please be aware that you shouldn’t provide full access (level 1 user) to any 3rd part partners.