How can I Upload a Document?

Procys allows you to upload your documents directly to our platform, by forwarding your documents via email or using a Cloud Storage solution.

Here are 3 ways how you can upload documents to Procys:

1. Upload it directly to the Procys platform.
You only need to create your account in Procys to attach all your documents:

  • From your Procys account access the Dashboard screen
  • Within the Dashboard click on the blue rectangle on the right side of the Upload invoice screen.
  • Attach the document from your desktop, in a Google Drive, Onedrive, or DropBox folder.
  • Once the document has been chosen in Status, you will see that the document will be Processing.

2. Forward your documents via email:

  • You can forward emails with files in pdf or image format (png, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff)  to Procys email and they will be transfered automatically to Procys
  • From your Procys account go to Apps screen
  • Click on "Connect" or "Manage" in Email receiver and a form will be displayed for you Forwarding email (email where you should forward documents) and the Used email (email that you use frequently).
  • Access the email you entered in the Used email and forward your documents to the Forwarding email.

3. Pull your documents from Google Drive, One Drive or DropBox with the Zapier integration.

  • From your Procys account go to Apps screen
  • Within Apps, connect to One Drive with Zapier by clicking Connect.
  • Once you have clicked on connecting with OneDrive, the following screen will appear with the title: How to connect Procys + OneDrive
  • Zapier integration allows you to add New File in Folder. Triggered when a new file is attached to a folder. Make sure the number of files/folders in the folder does not exceed the capacity limit. As well as, Zapier enables the Upload Doc. We click on Connect Procys + OneDrive and it will direct you to the Zapier web page to log in with your email account.
  • Once logged in, a screen will appear with the steps to follow to get started:
  • Connect your apps to Zapier
  • Set up your Zap, choose which document you are going to attach to
  • Turn on your Zap, it automatically starts the extraction of the documents you have picked.
  • After clicking Get Started, you will then be presented with a screen to connect the Zapier integration with OneDrive, connect it with your email and click Connect. And then click Next.
  • On the next screen, you must name the Folder, where your documents will be extracted and automatically transferred to your Procys account.
  • Within Apps connect to Dropbox with Zapier by clicking Connect.
  • Once you have clicked on Connect with Dropbox the following screen will appear with the title: How to connect Procys + Dropbox.
  • The Zapier integration allows you to attach a New File in Folder. It will be activated when a new file is extracted to a folder. Ensure the number of files/folders in the folder does not exceed the capacity limit. As well as, Zapier enables the Upload Doc. Click Connect Procys + Dropbox and it will take you to the Zapier webpage to log in with your email account.
  • Within the Apps section of the Procys website, you can connect to Google Drive with Zapier by clicking Connect. You need to create a document in Google Drive, for example in Google Docs to extract the document to Procys using the URL of the document on the web.

If something goes wrong, feel free to write to our support team - [email protected] - we'll help you fix it.