AI Processing of ID cards with Procys

Procys' ID card data extraction enhances accuracy, speed, efficiency, ease of use, and regulatory compliance, optimizing identification processes for businesses.

AI Processing of ID cards with Procys

Identification card data extraction is a fundamental task for many companies and organizations that need to collect and manage information from their customers, employees or any other person who requires an identification process. Today, manual processes for data extraction are still the most common, which can be slow, tedious, and error-prone. That is why the extraction and processing of data by OCR has become a valuable tool for any company that needs to process data quickly and accurately.

What is ID card data extraction?

ID card data extraction is a technique that uses artificial intelligence to read and understand data on an ID card. This technique is used to extract and process data, such as name, date of birth, identification number, and other relevant information. AI data extraction is faster and more accurate than manual processing, allowing businesses to process large numbers of ID cards in a short time.

How does Procys ID card data extraction work?

Procys ID card data extraction is performed in three steps: capture, interpretation, and storage.

  1. Extract: In the first step, the ID card image is captured using a camera or scanner. The Procys system is capable of capturing high-quality images even if the card is damaged or deteriorated.
  1. Understand: Once the image has been captured, the artificial intelligence software begins to analyze it. Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Procys software is capable of interpreting information on the card, including name, date of birth, identification number, and other relevant information.
  1. Export: Once the information on the card has been interpreted, it can be extracted and processed for further use. The information can be sent directly to the company's database or integrated with other business applications and platforms. This allows companies to more accurately track their records and more efficiently manage their identification processes.

Benefits of Procys ID Card Data Extraction

Procys ID card data extraction offers a number of benefits for companies looking to improve their efficiency and productivity:

  • Accuracy: Manual processing of ID cards can be prone to error, especially when processed in large numbers. However, Procys ID card data extraction is highly accurate and reliable, which means data errors are significantly reduced.
  • Speed: Manual ID card processing can be a long and tedious process, especially when processing large amounts of documents. However, with Procys ID card data extraction, a large number of ID cards can be processed in a very short time.
  • Efficiency and time savings: By using Procys ID card data extraction, companies can significantly improve their efficiency and save valuable time in document processing. This is because Procys software is capable of processing large numbers of ID cards in a matter of minutes, saving companies time and resources.
  • Ease of Use: Procys ID Card Data Extraction is easy to use and requires no technical or programming expertise. Any employee can use this tool effectively and efficiently, allowing companies to reduce training costs and increase the productivity of their staff.
  • Improved customer experience: By processing ID card data quickly and accurately, businesses can improve the customer experience by providing more efficient and personalized services. This can be especially important in industries like banking, healthcare and security, where accurate identification and fast data processing are critical to customer satisfaction.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Procys ID card data extraction complies with data privacy and regulatory requirements, helping companies avoid penalties and fines for non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations. By using this tool, companies can ensure that their identification processes are accurate, secure, and comply with applicable rules and regulations.

Artificial intelligence processing is already present, thanks to Procys your company will be able to more efficiently manage its identification processes and improve the productivity of its staff. Make the switch today!