MyDigitly - Your Digital Financial Agency Success Story

Procys's success helped MyDigitly overcome the challenge of manual invoice processing, enhancing operational efficiency.

MyDigitly - Your Digital Financial Agency Success Story

MyDigitly is a forward-thinking digital financial agency dedicated to revolutionizing financial management for modern businesses. As leaders in digitizing financial flows and managing taxes efficiently, MyDigitly has been at the forefront of utilizing innovative tools like Holded, a top-notch business management software. 

However, as the company grew, the need for a more advanced document management system became evident. Although Holded's OCR is excellent for the basics, the processing of invoices remained time-consuming, with the team spending valuable hours on tasks that could have been better invested in strategic growth. 

The Challenge

As MyDigitly expanded, invoice processing, even with Holded OCR, became increasingly burdensome. The team spent excessive time on tasks that detracted from their ability to focus on strategic initiatives. This inefficiency in document management posed four significant challenges:

  1. Time-Consuming Processes: Invoice processing consumed a considerable amount of the team's time, which could have been used for higher-value tasks.
  2. Increased Operational Costs: The process led to higher operational costs, reducing overall efficiency.
  3. Productivity Issues: The combination of tools was not enough to prevent invoice management from hindering productivity, preventing the team from engaging in strategic growth activities.
  4. Accuracy Concerns: Data entry increases the risk of errors, leading to potential inaccuracies in financial management.

The Solution

In search of an efficient solution, MyDigitly discovered Procys for invoice automation and was impressed by its seamless integration with Holded. This integration allowed MyDigitly to streamline the process of receiving supplier information, VAT data, general ledgers, and more directly from Holded. The transition to Procys was smooth, with the platform being swiftly integrated into MyDigitly’s operations.

Key features of the Procys solution included:

  • Instant Synchronization: Thanks to the native integration with Holded, MyDigitly was able to synchronize their data instantly, ensuring all financial information was accurate and up-to-date.
  • Dramatic Reduction in Processing Time: Document processing times were reduced from several minutes per invoice to just 10 seconds—a reduction of over 90%.
  • Seamless Integration: Procys worked closely with MyDigitly to ensure that the integration with Holded was smooth and effective, enabling an efficient workflow.

Procys automates document management in 3 easy steps:

The Result

The implementation of Procys led to significant improvements for MyDigitly:

  • Business Growth: MyDigitly focused on growth strategies, achieving significant business advancements.
  • Efficiency: Automation of document processing resulted in a reduction of over 90% in processing time, allowing the team to focus on high-value tasks.
  • Cost Reduction: MyDigitly significantly cut down on operational costs associated with document management.
  • Productivity: The team experienced a notable increase in productivity, with more time available for strategic business initiatives.
  • Accurate Accounting: The integration with Holded ensured that invoices were automatically booked to the correct accounts, reducing errors and ensuring precise financial management.

Antoni, co-founder of MyDigitly, expressed: "Procys has been a true catalyst for our growth. The seamless integration with Holded has freed us from manual tasks, allowing us to concentrate all our energy on expanding our business. The time and resources we've saved thanks to Procys are invaluable."

MyDigitly's success with Procys highlights how efficient document management, cost reduction, and productivity gains can drive business growth. The seamless integration with Holded allowed the team to focus on their core mission—growing their business. Ready to do the same with yours? Get in touch with us today!